
時間:2023-12-08 22:35:56 作者:母嬰健康 熱度:母嬰健康
母嬰健康描述::復合增長率復合增長率的英文縮寫為:CAGR(Compound Annual Growth Rate)。 CAGR并不等于現實生活中GR(Growth Rate)的數值。它的目的是,描述一個投資回報率,轉變成一個較穩定的投資回報所得到的預想值。我們可以認為CAGR平滑了回報曲線,不會為短期回報的劇變而迷失。英-語 新-聞 文摘自學 圖片中國經濟增長預計為8.8%  Report: China's economic growth expected to rise to 8.8%  消費增長率:growth rate of consumption 低基數:The low cardinal numberChina's economy will continue to rebound in 2021 with expected growth of around 8.8 percent, according to the China Economic Security Outlook Report 2021 released recently by Peking University.The report predicted China's growth rate of consumption, investment and foreign trade will all rise year-on-year. The increase in the growth rate of consumption is deemed a result of the low cardinal number effect, price hike and policies for stabilizing consumption and stimulating domestic demand. The low cardinal number and policies will also contribute to the growth rate surge in investment. Fading impact from the pandemic, the gradual recovery of the global economy as well as the low cardinal number and policy support is thought to boost the growth rate of China's exports. The recovery in demand and low cardinal number will support the rise in the import growth rate.The report warned the economy still has exposure to some risks. The debt increase for real estate firms has a relatively high risk in cash flow, creating potential jeopardy in the property market. In addition, there are still the issues of larger nonperforming local debts, greater pressure from hidden debts, and the potential for a global liquidity crisis to surface once again."Our judgment on the total economic security situation is that fluctuations are inevitable, and so are risks, but the macroeconomic situation and macroeconomic security of China have no problems. The probability of a big problem is very small," said Su Jian, chief editor of the report.#英語閱讀##英語自學##News: English-study##英語新聞學習#30. overseas investment of Chinese enterprises:中國企業海外投資 31. the E-commerce sales volume:電子商務銷售額 32. subscription:訂購(2010年寫作主題詞)33. the market share:市場份額(2011年寫作主題詞)34. price:價格(2018年寫作主題詞)35. environment:環境(2018年寫作主題詞)36. distinctive characteristics:特色(2018年寫作主題詞)37. service:服務(2018年寫作主題詞)38. consumers:消費者(2018年寫作主題詞)39. consumption pattern:消費模式(2015年寫作主題詞)40. the ownership:擁有量41. the growth rate:增長率42. the citizens’ daily expenses:公民的日常花銷43. the consumer index:消費指數44. the price index:價格指數45. the ageing society老年化社會46. urbanization:市區化47. urban expansion:市區擴展48. infrastructure:基礎建設#考研# #考研英語##我們一起學翻譯# (第1078期) 本期主題:外匯儲備 foreign exchange reserves★ 關鍵詞: 1. 人民幣匯率 →the RMB exchange rate2. 主權債務 →sovereign debt3. 企業債券 →corporate bonds★ 相關例句:原句:新中國成立70年來,特別是改革開放40年來,中國經濟發展取得舉世矚目的成就,中國成為世界第二大經濟體以及制造業、貨物貿易、外匯儲備第一大國。2018年,中國經濟總量跨過90萬億元人民幣大關,人均國內生產總值接近1萬美元,經濟增速6.6%,位居世界前列,對世界經濟增長貢獻率約30%。譯文:The Chinese economy has achieved tremendous growth since the founding of New China 70 years ago, and especially since the start of reform and opening-up 40 years ago. China is now the world's second largest economy, the largest manufacturer, the largest trader in goods, and holder of the largest foreign exchange reserves. In 2018, the Chinese economy passed the RMB90 trillion yuan mark and per capita GDP was close to US,000. Our 6.6 percent economic growth rate, one of the highest in the world, meant that China accounted for around 30 percent of global growth last year.今日焦點英文詞匯:第7次人口普查焦點事件:5月11日國家公布了第7次人口普查數據。十年一次的全國人口普查:the once-in-a-decade national census第七次全國人口普查:the seventh national population census全國人口普查:national census國家統計局:the National Bureau of Statistics全國人口數總計14.1億:Total population numbers 1.41 billion.中國大陸:Chinese mainland大陸總人口:the total mainland population年增長率為0.53%:an annual growth rate of 0.53 percent60歲及以上:aged 60 and above性別比:sex ratio出生性別比:the sex ratio at birth男女比例:the male to female ratio男性人數:the number of male在華僑民:overseas residents in China沿海省份:the coastal province少數民族人口比例:the proportion of people from ethnic groups少數民族人口增長率:the growth rate of population of ethnic groups向東部發達地區和城市群轉移:move to developed regions and city clusters in the eastern region中西部地區:the central region and western region of China東北地區居民比重:the proportion of residents in Northeast China#我們一起學英語##英語##人口#Two new Vocabulary words of the day!!  1/25/22    Project (PRA-ject) ~ Project (pro-JECT) 1. Project ~ n. (PRA-ject) Task or planned program of work, a task or planned program of work that requires a large amount of time, effort, and planning to complete. i.e. A project to develop a faster delivery service. 2. Project (pro-JECT)  v. Stick out, to jut out/stick out, beyond or farther than something, or make something jut out beyond or farther than something. i.e. The balcony projected several feet. Estimate something, to estimate something by using data, i.e. Project a 3 percent growth rate this year. Direct an image on wall or screen, to make an image appear on a surface. i.e. Projected the photograph onto the screen. Make voice audible, to make the voice heard clearly and at a distance, or be effective in giving a speech. i.e. Projecting her voice to the back of the auditorium. 1... (a) We are currently working on a project on the effect of pollution on plankton for our biology class. (b) We are waiting to see the results from our team project to help feed the poor people in our city. (c) Bianca has a daily project to help us improve our grammar easily, day by day. (d) Mr. Pete is always working on a project to gain more hugs. 2... (a) She has to project her voice more, when reading, to be heard and it also shows confidence she has in herself. (b) As a teacher, you need to project a feeling of authority and caring in your classroom. (c) Sometimes, with a big class, you need to use a projector, to project the material on the screen so everyone can see more easily. Revenues of A-share firms up 10% in H1, reflecting China's robust economic recovery(1)Most A-share listed companies have already released their half-year financial reports as of Wednesday. The total revenues of A-share companies, equivalent to more than half of China's annual GDP, rose 10 percent in the six months of 2022 despite the pandemic, reflecting a robust economic recovery in China.Looking forward, as China's economic recovery gains momentum, Chinese public companies' earnings are expected to climb higher in the second half of the year, analysts said.In the first six months, 4,838 A-share companies achieved total revenues of 33.65 trillion yuan (.88 trillion), up 9.99 percent year-on-year, equal to 59.81 percent of China's GDP for the same period. Their net profits amounted to 2.87 trillion yuan, up 5.1 percent year-on-year.Although their overall performance was good, the differentiation of industry profits was obvious.Industries with relatively high growth rates were concentrated in energy and materials, boosted by soaring energy prices, Yang Delong, chief economist at Shenzhen-based First Seafront Fund Management Co, told the Global Times on Wednesday.Material stocks benefited from a boom in China's new-energy vehicle (NEV) sales and recorded fast growth in profits from NEVs' upstream material lithium and other resources, Yang said.The earnings of energy stocks grew 72 percent in the first half of the year and revenue was up 50 percent compared with last year. Profit growth was concentrated in the new-energy sector.New-energy stocks included those in solar panels making, which reported stellar revenue in the first half of the year. More than 70 percent of 44 listed solar panel companies achieved year-on-year net profit growth, and for 13 of them, their net profit doubled from last year.[翻白眼]【哥倫比亞廣播公司·新聞節目】2022年十一月30日報道說: 美國經濟在第三季度表現得比最初預期的要強勁。網頁鏈接At See’s, annual sales were 16 million pounds of candy when Blue Chip Stamps purchased the company in 1972. (Charlie and I controlled Blue Chip at the time and later merged it into Berkshire.) Last year See’s sold 31 million pounds, a growth rate of only 2% annually. Yet its durable competitive advantage, built by the See’s family over a 50-year period, and strengthened subsequently by Chuck Huggins and Brad Kinstler, has produced extraordinary results for Berkshire.#你贊成給60歲以上農村老人發退休金嗎# I come from a rural village in northwestern China.I agree absolutely.Peasants made great contributions to the founding of new China. They selflessly supplied continous food and clothes so that our brave soldiers defeated Japanese invaders and liberated the main continent.我來自西北偏遠農村,完全同意。農民對新中國的建立做出了巨大貢獻。他們無私地提供糧食和衣物,英勇戰士打敗了日本侵略,解放了大陸。All year around,exposed themselves in burninghot sun in summer , suffering from extreme cold in winter, they live a simple happy life, bring up children depending on little income from farming.他們終年頂著夏季烈日和冬日嚴寒,過著簡樸的生活,其樂融融。依靠農田里微薄的收入養育兒女。In the last ten years,China has grown into the second largest world economy with an annual growth rate of 10%. She is now catching up with USA.Chinese peasants contribute greatly to our socialist construction of modernization ,industrialization and urbanization. They shoud not only have rural cooperative medical care, but also get old-age pensions when they reach 60. 過去十年中國每年增長率為10%,已成為世界第二大經濟體,正在趕超美國。中國農民對我國現代化,工業化和城市化建設貢獻很大。他們不但有農村合作醫保,當六十歲時,座該領取養老金。
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