
時間:2023-12-08 02:27:08 作者:幼兒營養建議 熱度:幼兒營養建議
幼兒營養建議描述::胚芽米的姐姐: 普拉格能源(PLUG)哈哈2014年前曾經操作過,其實我也買過不少牛股的,但是沒賺什么錢。想想為什么沒有賺到。 胚芽米的姐姐: 普拉格能源(PLUG) 摘自公司給投資者的信 1.Transformational Event and Accelerates Plug’s Fuel Margin Expansion Plug’s first generation of green hydrogen plants have paybacks between 8 to 12 years. Now with 3/kg PTC for green hydrogen and as we continue to optimize plant design and reduce capital costs, we expect these paybacks will improve for these plants to four to five years. 2.Focused on Converting Substantial Backlog into Revenue Plug’s electrolyzer backlog currently stands at 1.5GW, with a sales funnel of over 25B. This substantial sales funnel represents multiple end market applications with green ammonia as the largest applications at around 50%, followed by eMethanol and power-to-gas. 3.Large-Scale Stationary Application: 350B TAM in the US 4.Europe: Building a Hydrogen Ecosystem and Accelerating Expansion 5.2.1B Portfolio Sale Opportunity with Amazon Reinforces Strength of Plug’s Vertically Integrated Model 6.Building World-Class Global Manufacturing and Supply Chains 哈哈感覺還挺有看頭的。 胚芽米的姐姐: 普拉格能源(PLUG)之前他們自己估計2022 9億銷售額,2023年是14億,2025年是30億,先看看2022年能否實現 胚芽米的姐姐: 普拉格能源(PLUG) As Andy said, the cost is going to be 1/3 of what we're paying for that third-party hydrogen cost. And even lending some of the legacy contract that we have, all of them taper off by 2025 with the blend of what we're going to be producing and servicing our customer third-party sales that we're going to have, we absolutely feel very confident that as you go to the end of 2023, we will exit the year with operating breakeven performance with our fuel business. 2023年要盈利了
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