www foundersc com:嬰幼兒保健

時間:2023-12-03 07:50:05 作者:嬰幼兒保健 熱度:嬰幼兒保健
嬰幼兒保健描述::美國連鎖餐廳管理課程介紹 (Zoom dial-in)A course intro webinar to "Multi-unit Restaurant Management" Please join us on December 6 (Tuesday) 3:30-4:30pm Pacific Time in person at UNLV Hospitality College Hall (room: TBD) to learn about Multiunit Restaurant Management course (FAB 435x and HOA 635x). The new curriculum series is made possible by a general gift from the co-founders of Panda Restaurant Group. 網頁鏈接The event will also be on Zoom: 網頁鏈接 If you have friends, cousins, nephews, nieces studying at UNLV, please kindly ask them to look into this course. I attached the course syllabus link of Fall 2022 as a reference. 網頁鏈接 The multi-unit restaurant course is offered to Senior (FAB 435x) and Graduate (HOA 635x) students. Students of various background (engineering, computer science, economics, business, logistics, marketing, food science, agribusiness, nutrition, social services, education, workforce development, urban policy, etc.) are welcomed.We also invite one Area Coach of Operations and one Regional Human Resource Manager at Panda Express to share the podium about this new industry-based education. This will be an exciting and interactive sharing from the industry veterans. Please sign up the EventBrite to receive the webinar introduction deck afterwards. There would be some good industry research information there.網頁鏈接 Best Regards, Cervantes LeeRestaurant EdD, M.S. in Real Estate Development, Finance MBAVisiting Assistant Professor - Multi-unit Restaurant ManagementUNLV Hospitality CollegeEmail: cervantes.lee@unlv.eduUNLV People: 網頁鏈接LinkedIn: 網頁鏈接
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