
時間:2023-12-10 04:23:55 作者:親子瑜珈心得 熱度:親子瑜珈心得
親子瑜珈心得描述::#雙語早晚安# In addition to trivial and insipid life, there are delicious food and countless blooming flowers. 生活除了瑣碎和平淡,還有可口的美食和無數盛開的花朵。 #晚安#2022.01.30英語打卡Now we can see that, when we choosing investments, in addition to "one" (quite dangerous) and "all" (mediocre), there is another choice: "part". So which parts are worth choosing? I like this analogy even better than "betting on the world":現在我們看到了,選擇投資標的的時候,在 “一個”(很危險)和 “所有”(很平庸)之間,還有另外一個選項:“選擇局部”,那么,哪一部分最值得選擇呢?相對于 “賭球運” 這種類比,我更喜歡另外一個類比:[贊][贊][贊][鼓掌][鼓掌][鼓掌]曹老師英語數學❤️Math Follow Me and Practice everyday
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