
時間:2023-11-11 12:33:27 作者:嬰兒安撫技巧 熱度:嬰兒安撫技巧
嬰兒安撫技巧描述::沈翁樂31313: COVID is surging in China, a new variant is reportedly the most contagious yet, testing is back in some airports. How do I avoid the virus while flying? COVID在中國激增,據報道,一種新的變種是迄今為止最具傳染性的,一些機場重新開始檢測。乘飛機時如何避免感染病毒? It's been nearly three years since the COVID-19 pandemic was declared, but if you head to some airports right now you might think you've returned to the earlydays of the outreak. COVID-19大流行宣布已經過去近三年了,但如果你現在前往一些機場,你可能會認為你回到了疫情爆發的早期。 AsurgeofcasesinChina has prompted the U.S. torequireanegativeCOVIDtest for travelers flying in from the Peoples' Republic of China, Hong Kong and Macau. That went into effect on Jan. 5. The European Union recommends the same measures for its member states. 自宣布COVID-19大流行已經過去近三年了,但中國病例的激增促使美國要求從中華人民共和國、香港和澳門飛來的旅客進行COVID檢測呈陰性。該規定已于1月5日生效。歐盟也建議其成員國采取同樣的措施。 Sponsor Message (Meanwhile, some countries never dropped their testing requirements. Venezuela and Seychelles, for example, still require proof of a negative COVID test to board a flight to those countries.) (與此同時,一些國家從未放棄他們的檢測要求。例如,委內瑞拉和塞舌爾仍然需要新冠病毒檢測呈陰性的證明才能登上飛往這些國家的航班。) And in the U.S. a growing number of airports are swabbing noses — of international passengers only. It's for a voluntary program from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention to detect new variants in travelers arriving from outside the U.S. Some 7 airports are doing the testing, including LAX and Seattle-Tacoma. 而在美國,越來越多的機場只對國際旅客進行“鼻拭”。這是美國疾病控制和預防中心的一個自愿項目,目的是檢測來自美國境外的旅客的新變種。大約有7個機場正在進行測試,包括洛杉磯國際機場和西雅圖-塔科馬機場。 In addition to the China situation, concerns about COVID are rising because of the growing dominance of the omicron variant XBB.1.5, which the World Health Organization calls "the most transmissible variant it has yet detected" – although vaccinations and boosters appear to be holding up when it comes to protection against severe and possibly fatal disease. 除了中國的情況外,人們對COVID的擔憂也在上升,因為歐米克隆變種XBB.1.5的主導地位日益增強,世界衛生組織稱其為“迄今為止發現的最具傳染性的變種”——盡管在預防嚴重甚至可能致命的疾病方面,疫苗接種和增強劑似乎沒有發揮作用。 "Whether more countries return to mandatory testing because of XBB.1.5 or other variants that emerge is unknown, but also unnecessary since the world is currently swimming in COVID," says Dr.AmeshAdalja, senior scholar in residence at the Center for Health Security at the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health. 約翰霍普金斯大學彭博公共衛生學院衛生安全中心高級駐院學者Amesh Adalja博士說:“是否有更多國家因為XBB.1.5或出現其他變種而恢復強制檢測尚不清楚,但也是不必要的,因為世界目前正處于COVID中。” Adalja says testing is a political rather than public health decision to allay the fear of citizens. Other public health experts have noted that testing didn't prevent variants from moving around the globe – although it often delayed their arrival. 阿達爾賈說,檢測是一項政治決定,而不是減輕公民恐懼的公共衛生決定。其他公共衛生專家指出,測試并沒有阻止變異在全球范圍內傳播——盡管它經常延遲它們的到來。 Sponsor Message Meanwhile, an individual passenger has personal concerns: It'd be great not to catch COVID during a trip. To reduce your odds of infection, you can turn to the familiar precautions from early in the pandemic – you know, the ones that many people no longer follow. 與此同時,每位乘客都有自己的擔憂:在旅行中不感染COVID就太好了。為了減少感染的幾率,你可以求助于大流行早期熟悉的預防措施——你知道,就是許多人不再遵循的預防措施。 Boost yourself Many older adults have not gotten the latest booster, which protects both against the original virus and Omicron variants, says Dr.PreetiMalani, a professor in the department of infectious diseases at the University of Michigan School of Medicine. She calls the shot "an absolute must prior to travel." 密歇根大學醫學院(University of Michigan School of Medicine)傳染病系教授普雷蒂·馬拉尼(Preeti Malani)博士說,許多老年人還沒有接種最新的增強劑,這種增強劑可以同時抵御原始病毒和Omicron變體。她稱這張照片是“旅行前的絕對必須”。 Ahead of your flight Since airline rules regarding precautions could change, when you book you can improve the chance of getting updates by checking the box that allows text messaging to your phone. Downloading the airline's mobile phone app will let you easily search for boarding requirements for your specific flight. Having trouble reaching customer service by phone to ask about flight rules? Direct message the airline over Twitter or use the online chat options many airlines offer. 由于航空公司關于預防措施的規定可能會改變,所以當你預訂時,你可以通過勾選允許手機短信的選項來提高獲得最新信息的機會。下載航空公司的手機應用程序可以讓你輕松搜索特定航班的登機要求。打電話給客服詢問航班規則有困難?直接通過Twitter向航空公司發送消息,或者使用許多航空公司提供的在線聊天選項。 At the airport "My advice around international travel is to wear masks if you are in a crowded indoor space — not just on the airplanes but boarding, security lines and anywhere else that it's crowded," says Dr. Malani. "You can take a break from masks to eat/drink while waiting to board but try to find a spot that's away from the crowd." 馬拉尼博士說:“我對國際旅行的建議是,如果你在擁擠的室內空間,不僅在飛機上,而且在登機、安檢線和其他擁擠的地方,都要戴上口罩。”“在等待登機時,你可以摘下口罩休息一下,吃點東西,但要盡量找一個遠離人群的地方。” You'll definitely want to bring your own masks. Any masks available for folks at airports or on board are likely to be paper masks; theCDCrecommends"highqualitymasksorrespirators"duringtravel." Respirators are masks labeled as N95s or KN95s, which provide a tighter fit and better filtration. Respirators are sold online and in stores like pharmacies. Freebies are handed out at some community health centers and public libraries. 你一定要自己帶口罩。機場或飛機上提供的任何口罩都可能是紙質口罩;美國疾病控制與預防中心建議旅行時佩戴“高質量的口罩或呼吸器”。防毒口罩是指貼有N95s或KN95s標簽的口罩,這種口罩貼合更緊密,過濾效果更好。口罩在網上和藥店等商店有售。一些社區衛生中心和公共圖書館發放免費贈品。 Sponsor Message And remember distancing? It's still a good idea during boarding and deplaning, "especially now with the highly contagious BXX COVID variant," says LeonardMarcus, co-director of the Preparedness Initiative at Harvard University. 還記得保持距離嗎?在登機和下機期間,這仍然是一個好主意,“特別是現在有高度傳染性的BXX COVID變種,”哈佛大學防范計劃聯合主任倫納德·馬庫斯說。 Don't forget your hands Research has found that bathroom door handles and seat trays and other objects are not a significant route of transmission for the virus, but it's not impossible. You can gain a bit of an edge by using hand sanitizer or an alcohol wipe. Since airlines aren't always handing out wipes these days and in-flight bottles could be depleted, the experts we spoke to advise bringing your own. "These are good public health measures so people who have concerns or heightened vulnerabilities might consider these extra steps," says Marcus. And it's not just to ward off COVID. The flu, respiratory syncytial virus and colds can also spread via droplets. 研究發現,浴室門把手、座椅托盤和其他物體并不是病毒傳播的重要途徑,但也不是不可能。你可以通過使用洗手液或酒精擦拭來獲得一點優勢。由于航空公司現在并不總是分發濕巾,飛機上的濕巾可能用完了,我們采訪的專家建議你自己帶。馬庫斯說:“這些都是很好的公共衛生措施,所以那些擔心或脆弱的人可能會考慮這些額外的措施。”這不僅僅是為了抵御新冠病毒。流感、呼吸道合胞病毒和感冒也可以通過飛沫傳播。 If you do bring hand sanitizer in your carry-on luggage, limit the bottle to 3.to-4 ounces so your supply doesn't have to be screened by the Transportation Security Administration (TSA). If you're thinking of reaching into your cupboard for a vial you you purchased at the start of the pandemic, check the date to be sure it hasn't expired. 如果你在隨身行李中攜帶洗手液,限制在3瓶。到4盎司,所以你的供應不需要經過運輸安全管理局(TSA)的檢查。如果你想去櫥柜里拿大流行開始時購買的一小瓶,檢查一下日期,確保它沒有過期。 Create a protective zone for your airplane seat 為你的飛機座位設置一個保護區域 A window seat reduces exposure to people who are standing in the aisles "and breathing down" on you, says Marcus. He's one of the authors of a 2021study from the Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health on COVID 19 and air travel, which that found that the triple combination of masking, air cabin conditions and distancing during boarding and deplaning combine to lower your risk of contracting COVID on a flight. 馬庫斯說,靠窗的座位可以減少與那些站在過道上對著你“呼吸”的人的接觸。他是哈佛大學陳曾世公共衛生學院2021年一項關于COVID - 19和航空旅行的研究的作者之一,該研究發現,口罩、機艙條件和登機和下機時保持距離的三重結合,可以降低你在飛行中感染COVID的風險。 He also suggests turning on the air vents: "The ventilation pushes clean air from above to the floor. The more of that the better." (Bring a sweater, though, since opening those vents can make your space colder.) 他還建議打開通風口:“通風將清潔空氣從上面推到地板上。越多越好。”(不過,帶上一件毛衣,因為打開通風口會讓你的房間更冷。) Sponsor Message Make a plan just in case 制定一個計劃以防萬一 "I would suggest having a plan for what to do if you become ill," says Dr. Malani — including where you would go to get medical care. U.S.embassiesandconsulates in many foreign countries have lists of doctors and hospitals that treat foreigners. 馬拉尼醫生說:“我建議你制定一個生病后該怎么做的計劃,包括去哪里就醫。”美國在許多國家的大使館和領事館都有治療外國人的醫生和醫院名單。 Malani also advises packing supplies-- including COVID tests and over-the-counter medications to treat symptoms like a runny nose and sore throat and fever if you get COVID-19 or other illnesses. 馬拉尼還建議打包用品,包括COVID測試和非處方藥物,如果你感染了COVID-19或其他疾病,可以治療流鼻涕、喉嚨痛和發燒等癥狀。 If your doctor has said you would be a candidate for Paxlovid if you contract COVID-19, ask for advice with regard to the drug before taking a trip. 如果你的醫生說,如果你感染了COVID-19,你就可以服用Paxlovid,那么在旅行前就該藥物征求意見。 冠狀病毒常見問題:Paxlovid是最好的治療方法嗎?它在美國沒有得到充分利用嗎? Another recommendation from the experts: Trip insurance and travel medical insurance to help transport you back home (if severely ill in an international setting) is another consideration. 專家的另一個建議是:旅行保險和旅行醫療保險,以幫助你回家(如果在國際環境中病情嚴重)。 Andy看海外: 仲量聯行(JLL)最新的一項分析顯示,肯辛頓和切爾西以及威斯敏斯特是倫敦市中心黃金地段(Prime Central London,簡稱PCL)擁有私人出租房屋數最高的行政區。這些地區超過40%的房屋是私人租賃的,這將有助于保持私人租賃在PCL的主導地位。 盡管私人出租房屋的比例很高,但 2022 年需求繼續超過供應。隨著新年的開始,倫敦市中心黃金地段的租賃庫存水平仍低于歷史水平,因為更多的租戶續約,而進入市場的新出租物業越來越少。 截至 2022 年第四季度末,可供出租的房產數量比 2021 年同期庫存水平觸底時高出 13%,但仍比 2019 年低 45%。 租金也高于一年前。仲量聯行倫敦市中心主要指數第四季度實現租金年增長率為6.1%。與此同時,2022 年第四季度的租金比 2020 年第一季度大流行前高出 8.2%。 仲量聯行英國住宅研究總監馬庫斯·迪克森(Marcus Dixon)評論說:“盡管增長率正在回落,但所有價格等級的租金價值都在繼續上漲。平均租金價值較低的房產仍錄得最高增長。 “每周租金低于1,000英鎊的房產租金每年上漲8.1%,而每周租金價值超過3,000英鎊的房產則溫和地上漲了2.2%。 在銷售方面,仲量聯行表示,2022 年是倫敦市中心黃金地段破紀錄的一年。購房者在房屋上的花費近52億英鎊,比2021年高出9%,是十多年來的最高支出。 海外房產投資機構美亞置業集團專業人士表示:倫敦市中心的黃金地段也未能幸免于近幾個月來籠罩英國市場的政治和經濟不確定性。 一方面,與主流市場相比,主要市場對債務的依賴程度較低,這意味著利率波動的影響較小,但不確定性增加,以及PCL中全權委托購買者比例較高,導致價格在第四季度回落。
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