
時間:2023-12-16 05:26:49 作者:產前心理 熱度:產前心理
產前心理描述::【秦剛大使出席大熊貓抵美50周年慶祝活動】當地時間4月16日,美國國家動物園舉行大熊貓抵美50周年慶祝活動。動物園為大熊貓準備了寫有“50”字樣的冰鎮水果蛋糕。中國駐美國大使秦剛出席活動并致辭。Chinese Ambassador Qin Gang, on Saturday, attended a celebration of the 50th anniversary of the arrival of giant pandas in the U.S. at Smithsonian's National Zoo in Washington, D.C. The zoo's director Brandie Smith said that over the years, China and the U.S. have maintained good communication in the conservation of giant pandas and have jointly saved endangered species. As a result, the population of giant pandas in the last 50 years has increased from a few hundred to more than 1,800. In his speech, the Ambassador said that this proves that the joint efforts of China and the U.S. can accomplish great things that are beneficial to the world.
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